This past Sunday, March 27, 2022, was the second LBI Wedding Bliss Expo at Hotel LBI in Ship Bottom, NJ. LBI Wedding Bliss Expo is an exclusive brand in the world of exquisite and luxurious weddings. The brainchild of Bay Magazine, Bogath Weddings & Events and Weddings of Distinction, catering to the top tier of […]
I can’t even tell you how many times I have heard married couples reminisce after their wedding. Without fail, they all mention how fast the day went. In fact, it would be somewhat of a cliche, except that it’s totally true. Your wedding day will go by in the blink of an eye. And that’s […]
As we end one year and begin another… strike that, as we end one decade and begin another, I wanted to take a few minutes to revisit our 2019 weddings and events. This year of LBI wedding planning was a truly special one! We had the privilege of working with amazing couples and wonderful families […]