February 2, 2017
My celebration of Valentines Day has been morphing throughout my life. When I was a little girl it was a day to send all my girlfriends little store-bought cards that you folded in half and placed a sticker on–of course they were either Wonder Woman themed or My Little Pony (except when they weren’t Strawberry Shortcake). As I got older, I may have added a boy to the mailing list. When I was a teenager, I went through the “I’m gonna wear all black on Valentine’s Day” phase. Then I became a young adult and I barely had the time, but always remembered to send my dad a card (I still do along with a box of sweets). When I became a single mom to a beautiful little girl, we began our own tradition (which we have continued) of going out for tea each year at a little Victorian tea house in Tuckerton, NJ called The Lizzie Rose. Then I fell in love, and Valentine’s Day took on a whole new meaning and it has become one of those days I look forward to. Once Richie and I became engaged, we looked for ways to celebrate Valentines Day without breaking the bank. Afterall, we were saving up for our wedding. So, I thought this year, as my gift to you, I’d give you five ways to celebrate Valentines Day in NJ without breaking the bank.
Me and C having tea for the first time, she was 5 years old. We’ve done this every year since.
For sure this Valentine’s Day, do not forget one of my favorite quotes, from George Eliot, “I like not only to be loved, but also to be told I am loved.” For those of you thinking Valentines Day is over blown, or too corporate, I say, it doesn’t matter. No woman ever got flowers at work and thought less of her man. Trust me on this one. So no matter what you do, flowers are a must. But they don’t work alone. So pair them with any of the above gift ideas, and you will be a romantic hero this year! And maybe, you’ll even begin a loving tradition that you will carry on throughout your lives together. How sweet…which makes me think of…chocolate.
If you’re reading this post and you’re not engaged, well, in my opinion, it’s a great day to ask! If you enjoyed this post, you might also enjoy reading about Why I Love Weddings. And if you’re interested in talking to me about how I can help you to plan the wedding of your dreams, contact me here.
Thank you to the photographers who allow us to use their images on our site:
Ashley Mac Photographs, Heather Palecek Photography, Idalia Photography, Jessica Erb Photography, Susan Elizabeth Photography, Delaney Dobson Photography, Ann Coen Photography, Lovesick Inc., K Hulett Photography & Melanie Cassie Photography
BWE | 825 Devon Street | Forked River, New Jersey 08731
(973) 477-1392 | jeanne@bogathevents.com