There is something super-romantic about a winter wedding. Who doesn’t love the idea of a warm and cozy wedding full of details like fireplaces, faux-fur muffs, and the scent of pine?! So I thought today I would share a few fun winter wedding colors that would work perfectly to create a beautiful fun winter wedding. […]

For Couples

January 8, 2018

Winter Wedding Colors that are Wintery Perfection

Winter weddings on LBI


For many couples trying to plan a wedding and choose a date, winter is not an option often considered. But maybe it should be! Today’s blog is a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of Winter weddings on LBI. There are a few reasons many couples do not consider winter a viable option. The […]

For Couples, LBI Weddings

January 4, 2018

The Pros and Cons of Winter Weddings on LBI


The inspiration for this shoot was actually supplied by the models! Kaitlyn and David got married at a gorgeous NJ lakefront wedding at the Lake Valhalla Club in June of 2015 and wanted to return to celebrate their first anniversary with a photo shoot at the same location. Their wedding day was a perfect day […]

BWE Weddings, For Creatives

August 3, 2017

NJ Lakefront Wedding Inspiration

NJ Lakefront wedding invitation